EdTech Industry UIUX Design & App Development Agency

  • Conducting and/or using user research to understand what issues/pain points students and instructors face when they engage with the eLearning game or platform.
  • Conducting design experiments and A/B testing, listening to user feedback, and staying on top of industry trends to develop student-centered design solutions.
  • Understanding the goals and desired calls-to-action of an organization’s elearning platform and finding ways to meet those goals while still advocating for the student.
  • Designing a consistent user experience across mobile devices and desktop platforms Collaborating with UX researchers, data scientists, information architects, marketers, and engineers to test, iterate, and launch products and services that are satisfying to use and achieve their educational goals.
Lets Talk

Why HealXRlabs For EdTech Industry

Being a good product leader we've got a constant balancing act between meeting the need to release immediate improvements while simultaneously planning for what’s coming in the next year and beyond. Dealing with today’s concerns we are focusing on, such as accessibility compliance and onboarding issues, has a way of getting in the way of planning for bigger trends that will have an impact on the success of your product.

45+ - School Apps
School Apps Deployed
20+ - Alumni Apps
Alumni Apps Published
25 Million - Users
35 Million
Users Using Worldwide

Our EdTech Apps Deployed In South Africa's Top Schools

Accessibility / Inclusive Design will continue to be a top concern in 2022.

Our Apps deployed - dsobs
Our Apps deployed - sanavar
Our Apps deployed - stephen
Our Apps deployed - nabha
Our Apps deployed - patiala
Our Apps deployed - sjoba

Powerful EdTech Industry Statistics And Facts

The easiest way. To ensure your business stays relevant is to keep abreast of the key marketing statistics.

Powerful EdTech Industry Statistics and Facts

Top Statistics

  • 81% of US educators stated that their ability to use EdTech improved during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 73% of US households always had access to the internet for online learning (as of April 2020)

EdTech Trend Statistics

  • Gamification alone can improve educational outcomes by over 45%, and by 60% when combined with reading.
  • 53% of teachers believe that students’ increased access to individual computers makes teaching easier.

EdTech Market Statistics

  • In 2016, the EdTech industry made up over $46 billion of the global market share and, by 2022 it is projected to exceed $243 billion.
  • The global market analysis in August 2020 has shown that EdTech will reach $404 billion by 2025.
  • The global EdTech market size was valued at $89 billion in 2020 and is expected to witness a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.9% from 2021 to 2028.

Looking For An EdTech UIUX Design & Mobile App Development Agency

Hire our UX research team to uncover the end-user needs, motivations, and usability.


Our Process

Our EdTech Expertise

UX is going to be huge when it comes to AR/VR/MR development in the near future. Apple’s long talked about AR/VR headset could accelerate the need for UX teams to ramp up how they create for these technologies. We are very excited to see how HealXRlabs fits into this space.

VR and AR to attract students

VR and AR to attract students





Big Data

Big Data

Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

School ERP Solutions

School ERP Solutions

Online Videos & Books Library

Online Videos & Books Library

Chatbots to nudge training

Chatbots to nudge training

Managing relationship between teachers & students

Managing relationship between teachers & students

Third-Party Integration

Third party integration - zoom
Third party integration - webrtc
Third party integration - microsoft
Third party integration - meet

The Importance Of EdTech During And After COVID-19

Although the unexpected lockdown of COVID-19 paralyzed the world economy and shook almost every industry, Education Management maintained stability from the very beginning. Countries have quickly adapted the best EdTech solutions to replace traditional education.

The Importance of EdTech During and After COVID-19
LMS (Learning Management System)

LMS (Learning Management System)

LMS is a frequently used abbreviation and stands for Learning Management System, a software that is generally implemented to deploy and track online training initiatives.

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual classrooms have also become popular and essential alternatives for organizing online learning during COVID-19. These are online learning environments that allow live interactions between mentors, teachers, and students. Virtual classrooms and virtual lessons usually happen via videoconferencing. In this kind of virtual interaction teacher is the moderator of the online learning process and individual or group activities. Both participants have tools to implement or represent learning content or online activities in various formats.

Online Examination Systems (E-examinations)

Online Examination Systems (E-examinations)

E-examinations or online examination systems are conducted as open-book examinations. The system provides concrete exam duration. After the time is expired, the answer paper is disabled automatically and answers are sent to the organizer. Afterward answers are reviewed and evaluated by the examiner and the results are imported onto the system. The results are usually being sent to the students’ emails or are being published on the website. The post-exam notification process can be done either manually or automatically. This software implementation aims to cut out too much time spent on manual work and minimize the human factor.

Authoring Systems

Authoring Systems

Authoring systems are another commonly used online learning method during COVID-19. These are mostly built for teachers and mentors. Authoring systems help teachers create electronic flash cards or index cards, which are very productive and effective ways to mentor students on specific content. Authoring system software is also used to create multimedia content, such as lessons, tutorials, or reviews. There can be also web-based alternatives, which help teachers create multimedia web content that is used on a website.

Online Examination Systems (E-examinations)

Graphic Software

COVID-19 lockdown evoked financial investments and total re-organizations of education management systems in various countries. However, it’s out of denial that the input of education software solutions made students’ learning process more fun and entertaining. The biggest examples are graphic software solutions. This software helps students create and edit pictures on the internet or in the program. Students mostly use it to create online presentations.

Authoring Systems

Desktop Publishing Software

Desktop publishing software is another example of an engaging learning process. This software is used for creating designing handouts, flyers, etc. It’s a great solution to design a creative invitation for specific events