Digital Transformation

We help our clients to transform their business goals with great softwares and re-imagine the future of doing business.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the profound transformation of business and organizational activities, processes, competencies, and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of a mix of digital technologies and their accelerating impact across society in a strategic and prioritized way, with present and future shifts in mind.

Why Digital Transformation for Enterprises?

  • Acceleration of Change– The pace of digital change is rising exponentially, making it very difficult to maintain a position of industry leadership, and requiring an acceleration of new digital solutions brought to market
  • Digital Competition– Companies are under ever increasing pressure to compete digitally, and long-established business models are being disrupted by “born digital” start-ups
  • Customer Expectations– Customers expect a good experience across all touch points, you must ensure their interactions are seamless and exceptional

How do we help?

We live in a digital world where computing power doubles every two years. Businesses have to adapt in this digital world to position for growth and relevance in their markets. Within a decade, business focus has moved from assets to commerce, and now to the customer. It is a multi-disciplinary process that involves Mindful Thinking encompasses user profiling, journey mapping, digital audits, design engineering, rapid prototyping, and market testing – assessing a 360 impact on business.

Approach to Digital Transformation

Our Digital Business Services – with its unique, insight led, Mindful Thinking process, enables organizations to realize Digital Capital from business outcomes. Our team of business strategists, designers, software engineers and data scientists work closely with you to come up with a plan and execute it.

  • Business Insight: Digital insights driven business models are the truth of the customer-centric economy. Our engagements start with understanding your business goals.
  • Identify technology strategy: We come up with a technology-based solution to achieve those goals.
  • Product design: We flesh out the details of how the mobile or web solution will look, working closely with you and your end users.
  • Market and customer management: Our marketing consultants assess, analyze, and build strategies for you that address new and existing markets, improve marketing, sales, service effectiveness, and optimize cross-channel interactions to create a differentiated customer experience.
  • User experience design: We design a user experience that your users will love.
  • User interface design: We attached a modern and beautiful aesthetic to that user experience.
  • Web and mobile development: We put everything in code and ship it.
  • Iterate: We get feedback, iterate, refine and improve our app.

Our Capabilities

These are the digital transformation capabilities that set us apart:

  • Business strategy: Many of our engineers and designers have business, management consulting and investment banking backgrounds. We can not only think on a strategic level, but we can implement our plans. We prioritize action in any strategy we come up with. We ship prototypes to test our hypothesis and demonstrate real business results.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Developing for competitive differentiation requires more than just an innovative idea, it requires organizations to deliver fast and deliver smart. Competitive advantage lies in the ability to bring ideas to life at the speed of light, gather and incorporate feedback, and accelerate time to market to morph into the next-gen of the delivery ecosystem.
  • Human-centered design: We design with the end user in mind. At each stage of our design process, we gather feedback from real users to create relevant and intuitive apps. In fact, we build our own products too. We understand how it feels from your perspective as a business owner.
  • Smart apps: We have a tried-and-tested methodology for developing intuitive and usable mobile and web apps. We adopt Agile philosophies of shipping early and often and building iteratively. We make use of cloud-native deployments to move quickly.
  • Data science: We extract actionable insights from your data to make better decisions and take away some of the guesswork from the design and engineering process.